Monday, December 19, 2005


Holiday,, if we took a holiday,, took some time to celebrate,, it would be so nice

X: I did not know that you sing!!

Ya, I can do it when alone,, when taking a shower. Well I try to protect others' ears coz I am not good at it. Anyway, almost 2 weeks off

X: plans?

My best friends won’t be here, so I will relax and enjoy. I have invited two beautiful ladies. we are going to spend good time together

X: 2 ladies at once?

Let me introduce Ahdaf Soueif, I bought her new book Mezzaterra. Also, I invited Souad Massi, she will play and sing some good music specially from her Honeysuckle. Imagine 2 beautiful ladies, book, good music and hot chocolate, quelle mezzaterra!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

for those who can't find or afford Mezzatera shorter versions of about half the book are available on the web, I collected links @

and by the way the book got translated (not really translated she rewrote most of the articles herself) to arabic and published by الهيئة العامة للكتاب

so should be very affordable and you can get it in the next cairo book fair.

you should read her novels and short stories though (one novel, one short stories collection translated to arabic).

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

j'adore rawi de souad massi

enjoy it

8:10 AM  

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