Sunday, November 26, 2006

Better in the dark

'it is a sensual way to eat' said my friend. people around the table laughed at him, I did not just because I was trying to focus on my meal to finish it without any accident because for 2 hours I could not see a thing. it was unusual experience to eat O'noir!
Later I thought about it. it is absolutely right, when one of the senses falls short, the other four are heightened.
The restaurant is not the ordinary type restaurant. It’s this new concept that’s already popular in Europe, Australia, New York, and LA. Basically, your entire dining experience is in the dark and blind people are serving you!! they say it is better in the dark
I was impressed by our waiter Raymond and his capacity to find his way between the tables to bring our different meals and drinks without any accident. Also I was surprised by myself. in the beginning I thought it will be messy, but I tried to play the game and I succeeded to use my other senses. I realized that we don't eat actually with our eyes. however, to be honest, it was not easy because after 2 hours i start to feel uncomfortable.
it is nice to try it in the dark, at least once, to appreciate our senses that we use and take for granted without giving much intention.


Blogger SOLITUDE® said...

it is the best place where u can make tricks :D
u can but acrid flavors in ur frinds' dishes ;)



11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waw manger dans le noir total ... je sais pas ... déjà qu'on me dit que j'ai une carence en romantisme parce que je deteste manger a la lueur des bougies (je doit absolument voir ce qu'il y a dans mon assiette) alors le noir total ...

n'empèche que j'essayerais bien :) on ne sait jamais.

j'ai vus ton blog sur celui de sam

11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oui comme on dit il faut pa smourir bête!!!!!!
Mais bon moi aussi j'essayerrai bien koike, moi le noir j'aime pas trop!!!!
c t bon au moins
See you

3:17 PM  

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